Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mya {first birthday}

well, this was supposed to be a sweet little pool party but no thanks to the COLD rain, the celebration was inside. The birthday girl didn't seem to mind at all, she had a house full of pink gifts, smitten grandparents, family and friends- i mean, what more does a girl need?? :0) happy 1st birthday sweet girl! oh... and did i mention (besides being beautiful herself) she had the most BEAUTIFUL guests!!!! check them out at the end!

(minus the hand, it will be taken out later) isn't this the CUTEST cake!! strawberry cake with strawberry filling, again... HEAVEN!!

not sure what to think of the cake at first...

not so bad after all!

but in the end... she preferred a fork, silly girl

not only did she win my heart with her smile... but check out that AWESOME BIB!!!! this totally wins party of the year!!

gorgeous guests!


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