Tuesday, May 19, 2009

pretty in pink {read for freebee}

OHHH MYYY!!! i can't even begin to tell you how much fun we had! i'm sure you can see from the pics below that the little pink divas had a BLAST too! this will for sure be an annual event :) i tried and tried to pick just one from each session and just couldn't do it, so get ready and enjoy a SUUUUPER LOOONG post. all session fee proceeds were donated to kristen campbell to support her participation in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. she is still needing a few more donations, if you would like to donate- even a few bucks, let me know and i will give you a FREE 5x7 on your next session just for donating!! i will email you a link so that you can donate directly online.

meet kRiStEn!!! *this was a fun test shot but turned out to be soooo cute!

HAD to post this one to show off how CUTE this outfit is!!!

hollywood, HERE I COME!!!

this one SOOOO got "PICTURE OF THE DAY"!!!- did i mention she is only a YEAR old!

after seeing how cute this is, pretty sure you'll be seeing my boys in black on this pink VERY soon!

miss bubbly!

love, love, LOVE this one in her hat and this baby!!! i'm tellin' you, she is already used to the fame, she is 2 months old and this is her third *i think* photo shoot! we already have a 4th scheduled

this pink cutie is the cousin of the little pink cutie right above, bubbles and beadsfor SURE did the trick for her!


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