Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the jack-yardigans {okc autism walk 2009}

I had the honor *truly an honor* to join sweet Jackson and his family in bricktown this year for the "Walk Now for Autism" event. I have to say, I never expected it to be emotional but the minute I walked into the ballpark, WHEW- it hit me. This sweet guy captured my heart from the minute I first met him over a year ago. Besides being one of the most handsome little dudes around with his gorgeous hair and baby blues ;0) he has the sweetest nature you could ever imagine. Beyond all the obstacles that they face on a daily basis, God has truly blessed Steve and Angela with an amazing, loving and sweet little boy.

from his 3 yr session last summer, mom has a gigantic canvas of this in her house. you can't help but just smile when you look at it!!

the whole gang gettting their group photo taken at the booth

best buds

today's cool trend: hand in pocket

WOW! check out this SWEEEEET slide!!! who couldn't use of these in comfort of their own backyard right about NOW?!?!

party at Jackson's celebrating all of his accomplishments this year

some of my favorite pictures i have taken in the past are of J and his mom, you can just see the bond straight through the picture!

anyone as jealous as i am of this gorgeous hair color yet?? LOVE it and almost all the cousins have it!!!!

if i recall correctly, Tiffany's exact words were "i just want a picture of all of us, i don't even care if they are hanging by their toes"!!!!



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