Friday, July 17, 2009

a sweet recap {watermelon sessions}

despite temperatures being the same as the surface of the sun this day, we had a SWEET time! no kidding, it ended up being the first day of triple digits. our theme song of the day was "i will survive". thank you so so much to my LOVELY assistants, couldn't have done it without you girls :) here are a few of TONS, enjoy!

most sessions went like this....

and then some went like this... this little guy would have NOTHING to do with the watermelon, in fact, it flew off of his lap after this shot!

she wanted nothing to do with it either, we had to pull in big brother to show her how to do it... she would rather have the umbrella!

this little sweetie opted for his race car over the watermelon

and this hunka hunka sweet love will knock you out with his AMAZING eyes!!!


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